Friday, May 13, 2016

Kit Kittredge tells the story of a girl living through the Great Depression and the challenges that her family faces during that time period.  Check out these activities and take advantage of the opportunity that the movie (and the books) provide to create more learning experiences!

Guides and Printables

Kit Kittredge: An American Girl - download a free 29-page curriculum guide to use with the movie.

Use this free learning guide to accompany the books in the Kit series.

Alter an inexpensive composition book to create a reporter's journal.

Practice some journalism skills with Kit using these Scholastic printables

Solve a mystery with Kit with this family activity sheet.

Create a Kit Kittredge Lapbook with this free download, or use these templates to create your own lapbook.

These American Girl History Mini Units provide some simple activities to bring the story of Kit to life.

Create crafts, learn new recipes, and play some games with these movie tie-ins on the Kit Kittredge site.

Use the activities in this free elementary curriculum from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Learning Extensions

Learn about Ohio, Kit's home state, with this free Ohio-themed activity page kit!

Print some 30's-themed paper dolls for imaginary play.

Listen to the anthem of the Great Depression, "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?"

Use this free Great Depression Era Study Guide and find activities for all ages!

Watch Great Depression Cooking with Clara to learn recipes and hear stories about living during the Great Depression

Learn about Amelia Earhart, Kit's heroine, with a printable mini-biography and these activity pages.  Then write a news story on a significant event in Earhart's life.


Library Book Suggestions:

What Was the Great Depression - another book from the "What Was..." book collection in chapter book format and full of illustrations.

Potato tells the story of a family who finds employment for two weeks digging potatoes in Idaho during the Great Depression.

Rose's Journal:  The Story of a Girl in the Great Depression is presented as a handwritten account of the dust storms and severe drought of the 30's. Includes book-related activities!

Enjoy your time traveling adventure!

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